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Awesome inspiration!

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VerinApr 10, 2023

Santa, I am so sorry for posting this late! This box has been sitting in my house unopened for a bit, but today I finally have a chance to open it and write this post!

The box isn't very heavy but also not quite light. It's a very professional looking white box, it even has one of those pull strips to open! I'm very excited pulling the strip and opening the flaps... This shows me some lovely wrapping paper peeking through some packaging material. My santa certainly seems to have a very high standard of packaging gifts! The wrapping paper is extremely lovely, there's even lovely flower stickers on it, and on the bigger package there's some broad tape with writing on it. That tape is amazing, big old timey science-y vibe and I'm here for it!

When I lift the packages from the box I also find a small card with a very cute woodcut-like print of a coffee mug/carafe on it. Inside the card my gifter writes that they pretty much immediately knew what to get me, but then found out they had already gifted it to me in a previous exchange! I definitely loved that sashiko kit! Even though I've yet to use it, I decided what my first project is going to be. I always have more project ideas than time to execute these projects :P. The card says that instead of a sashiko kit, this time they sent me one gift that fit with the items in my project gallery that I sent them, and one gift for inspiration.

For no specific reason I decide to open the smaller package first, it's got a lovely red flower bouquet on it :). Opening the package at the very shiny and cute gold flecked tape I find it's a book: "Structural Packaging". I have no idea if my gifter found this on my wishlist or they're just THAT GOOD... This book has been on my wishlist for a while, and looking inside it really makes me want to do some paper folding soon! I definitely love it and this will allow me to step up my gift wrapping/packaging game so much :D. It has a lot of information and diagrams so it's going to be fun to mess with this :D. This book is awesome, thank you santa!

But this was just the smaller package... There's a bigger package left! It feels kind of bad tearing the cute tape, but there's no other way to get into it. I open it on one side and slide the contents out, and not one but TWO sewing magazines come out! This will definitely help with inspiration!

I quickly looked through the different patterns in the front of each magazine and immediately find something to put on my project list: Marlene pants! I'm not even aware they are called that, but my pinterest board definitely has a lot of '30s and '40s style pants on it. I'm totally obsessed with these and I definitely want to make a pair! My project list is already extremely long but these definitely have a place on it :P. Inspiration achieved!

Santa, thank you so much for this lovely gift! I'm definitely gonna get a lot of use/inspiration out of these gifts, thank you! Also, I really enjoyed the tape :D.

(Apparently my phone is taking HDR images for no reason, sorry if the colors in these pics are kinda wonky!)


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