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A Beautiful Glass Art Gift

I finally received my beautiful "Colors" gift all the way from Ukraine today. This is truly is a glass art story. The journey of this special package was remarkable, due to the timing of the Russian invasion. The gift shipped on February 18th, 2022 from Sumy Ukraine which is in the north-eastern region of UKR, just 50 km from the Russian border. Sumy came under attack on Feb. 24th, 2022 by Russian forces, which is now known as the "Battle of Sumy". The gift moved through 2 facilities and arrived at KIEV UKR on February 20th, where it remained for 2 weeks. Finally, notification was sent to the gifter, March 3rd, that the gift was accepted in the UK and a USPS tracking number was generated. I received it today. It is a hand-made stained glass sun-catcher, the most lovely, heartfelt gift I ever received. The journey it endured. and the arrival in perfect condition. A true story of a gift that is now safely hanging in my window overlooking the beautiful Atlantic ocean.

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Colours Day!

