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Colors gift

My santa sent me such a nicely wrapped package with goodies inside! They reused a box which is awesome!

Inside were 2 wrapped gifts and a handful of mini toblerones. Wrapping was a nice blue.

Wrapped gift 1. The mini one was a dice keep with 2 sets of dice. TINY BLUE DICE SET!!!!! and a gorgeous teal and grey coloring. For your note- no, dont play dnd or pathfinder but do play warhammer and board games. Dice are useful and i shall have a hoard soon (i uh dice goblined on kickstarter with about 35 sets otw soon)

The other was a squishmallow. Its not blue but its ok! A 10" Safiyah squish. I have her in both 5 and 7 so now a 10 to match and has blue on her so still matches blue theme.

I love it all.

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Colours Day!

