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I was totally spoiled!

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LittlestPenguin24Apr 10, 2023

Oh my gosh! First off, I've met my gifter in other communities, which was really cool. Second, she asked me questions and really took the time to get to know me and my interests. Last but not least, she totally spoiled me, AND included my kids!! She got all 3 of us (much needed) aprons for the baking we love to do. I also received a super pretty tumbler that can hold SO MUCH coffee, a gorgeous heat transfer vinyl (maybe I'll put a design on my apron?!), and a super cute pot for my plants! And, I received it most of it over my birthday weekend, which made it more special. And the last of it arrived today, just as I was getting home from a root canal, so it was an awesome pick me up. Thank you so, so much!

(Oh my gosh, I just realized the sink of dirty dishes in the picture... don't judge me, I literally just finished dinner and am heading off to do dishes now!)


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