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Oh my goodness TEA!!

Oh my goodness, my gifter is SO FAST! My gift arrived today and I am over the moon excited about these loose leaf options! And if I run out of work tea bags, I have more to use here so I can feel more comfortable about bringing loose leaf teas to work again! The funniest aspect about the whole thing is that my partner recognized the return address on the package label as being a very familiar building from when they were in Toronto. We found that fact super amusing. I've been ever so impressed with the gifts that I've received from my gifter. Indeed I received the handwritten note from this gifter from a previous exchange in the mail today too (I updated that post with pictures) and I also received other mail from this gifter's country as well... what a Monday! :) Thanks ever so much once again! Oh my goodness what an awesome note and card! Thanks for the beautiful explanation for the teas and for the great card! I'm ever so pleased.

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Coffee & Tea Day

