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Sempervirens Fund

My gifter informed me they donated to the charity of my choice, which is Sempervirens Fund. Their goal is to protect the redwoods, wildlife, and other important features of the Santa Cruz mountains here in California. I chose the fund because I have made a promise to gift to them every year in memory of my mom. Just a couple years before she passed away this past September, I was able to take her to Big Basin Redwoods State Park. She loved every minute of it, and she even hugged a tree, which is now my favorite photo of her. That park was unfortunately destroyed by a fire just two years later, but the Sempervirens Fund has been working to restore it, and has recently preserved a plot of land to be a new entrance to the park. Thank you kind gifter for donating to a wonderful cause. I truly appreciate it.

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Charity Day

