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Gift to an amazing charity

My gifter sent a gift to Ronald McDonald House - Kansas City Chapter.

I chose this charity as they do a lot of great things for people. In my case, they helped my sister when she had to get bone marrow transplant because of leukemia. Being her son was her donor, he needed to be able to stay close by the hospital where she was. And anyone that knows anything about how expensive cancer treatments are, knows that it will wipe out savings. The family put in as much as we could of course but still, when you have treatments that cost thousands monthly, there's only so much you can do.

This is where places like this come in. While my sister is not fully in remission, things are going well. I'm glad that there are places like this that lend that type of helping hand.

I thank my gifter from the bottom of my heart. It really meant a lot to me.

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Charity Day

