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Donation to Black Cat Rescue and a cute Adopt Black Cats pin!

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nyarashaApr 10, 2023

Update: I received a lovely and cute Adopt Black Cats pin in the mail yesterday, thank you so much! Part of the profits from the Etsy seller go to Black Cat Rescue, and I'd had my eye on this pin anyway - thank you so much! :D It will join the pins on my jacket, I love it!

My gifter went above and beyond! They donated $25 to the Black Cat Rescue in Massachusetts, which was my chosen charity - a local cat rescue organization. Thank you so much! <3

They also messaged me to let me know that they are sending me a piece of merchandise they bought from the charity to support them - wow! I'll update here when it arrives, but wanted to post this right away to give them credit for a great exchange!


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