Okay I know that's a big title but hear me out, my gifter chose to be a rematcher so they were already awesome for that, but then they leveled it beyond all my expectations! I'm a huge Broadway fan and have been since I was a kid. Yet, growing up going to shows was not an option, but the local library had soundtracks from shows that I would borrow and play on repeat many of which got me hooked on certain actors and singers. My wonderful giftee sent me some fantastic signed merchandise that includes two of my all time favorites, Anthony Rapp and Lea Michele, and some merchandise from some newer shows I've been obsessed with! Literally everything here is perfect and I feel bad not naming it all, but holy guacamole I'm in a happiness high right now!!! Thank you so much for such an amazing and perfect in everyway gift!!! I'm going to show my niece during Christmas and she will probably happy cry with me!!!
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