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A great book selection!

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ImjastvApr 10, 2023

When I received the parcel for my books exchange, I was really surprised to find that my gifter was also my Santa for multiple exchanges on Redditgifts, my giftee for the same exchanges, and that we had exchanged multiple times before on that platform! I've always been happy with what they sent me, and once again they didn't disappoint! They got me two great books. One I read already but loved and didn't have a physical copy of, so I'm very happy to put it on my bookshelves to re-read it more easily! The other one I don't know but it looks very intriguing and exactly the type of book I like, so I can't wait to read it. They also sent some lovely treats, I'm keeping them for January when my sugar levels will reach their post-holidays low. Thank you so much, I am very happy with what you sent me, and I am so glad that you too moved to this new platform. I am looking forward to be matched with you again in future exchanges, both as your giftee and as your gifter :D


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