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The first book has arrived! Valdemar, yes please!!

Oh goodness, my Santa did such a great job in getting me even this first second hand book: Moving Targets: And Other Tales of Valdemar! I'm so looking forward to reading it and looking forward to the upcoming additional arrivals! Honestly, I'm so happy to be able to read new Valdemar stories, my comfort literature of choice! :)

Oooh two more packages today! Another awesome Valdemar collection AND a David Levithan book that I've long wanted to read, yes please! I'm ever so happy with this selection! Thanks again!!!

Oh my goodness a last package, this time including three books?!? I'm excited to read this Doctor Who graphic novel! And two more Valdemar anthologies, yes please!! I'm so excited to have so much great reading material! Thank you ever so much!!

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Book Day

