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Very Exciting!!!

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VerinApr 10, 2023

My gifter sent me a message that they were the same santa as last book exchange, so I thought that bode well for this one! I do have to confess I've not been reading so much, I've only read one of the two books from last exchange. But I really liked the one I read and the other is a sequel to a book I really liked so that gift was great! A few days ago some one turned up at my door with not just one but two (!) big fat amazon envelopes. Unfortunately I couldn't open them right away, but I knew I would have time this weekend!

I'm really excited opening this, after some eeny meeny miny moe I decide to open the larger envelope first....

The book rolls right out and I immediately notice the scifi-ish font where it says 'Hail Mary'... I love scifi and I enjoyed the scifi book my santa sent last time so I am already excited! But then I notice the name 'Andy Weir' at the top and I audibly gasped! I have not been keeping track of anything and wasn't aware he had a new book out, so this pretty much doubles my excitement! With the book also a small gift note escaped the envelope, so I pick it up and find out that my gifter likes this book even better than The Martian and Artemis! I enjoyedThe Martian a lot and I really thought Artemis was something special. Seeing my gifter say this book is better than both just sends my excitement through the roof! I'm so looking forward to reading this one, and I've not even read the back to see what it's about... I think I'll not read that and just put it on my stack to pick up without any preconceived notions and just let the book take me where it wants to. I'm sure it'll be to interesting places!

Honestly, I'm extremely excited about this already, but there's still another envelope! And it's incredibly thick; I like big books and I cannot lie... and this one is definitely chonky :).

Taking out the book, and ignoring for now the gift note that flutter out of the envelope with it, I see that it's a fantasy book by Samantha Shannon. I'm incredibly bad with names, especially if they're this generic, but I'm pretty sure I know her! After looking up her name I see I have read another series by her a few years ago. I remember it was really interesting and original, and I liked the way she writes characters. But like I said, I really haven't kept track of anything so I wasn't aware she started a whole new series! Just the size of it looks pretty epic, and the dragon on the front does too, so it looks like the writer got even more ambitious, which is exciting! I can't wait to read it.

On the gift note my gifter said they did not read this book but were recommended it by friends who read a lot of fantasy. Also they mentioned they would make something up to me if we ever match in another exchange, but that was a bit confusing to me. There's really nothing to make up, two books is a perfectly fine gift, and even if it wasn't I'm pretty sure the page count would add up to 3 average books easily :P. But really, I am super happy with these books, they are definitely quality! Like I said, I've not been keeping track, so getting books from authors I already know but didn't realize had new books out is just such a treat. And it shows that you really were very thoughtful about what I like to read, to get things so right! Thank you so much santa <3. Do friend me on goodreads if you have an account, I would love to see what you're reading yourself! Have a wonderful week!


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