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New games

I have not heard of either new gane but they look so fun. It got here super fast too.

There were 4 things in the package- a note, a mtg card and 2 gamed. Regarding your note- I've had this account name since before RT and RWBY drama and dont really care that much anymore. Excited to try some of your favourite games and the card will be given to my brother or friend (my go to is weiss while they love mtg). It will be treasured and loved i promise

Monikers- looks fun and like a lot of enjoyment with friends. Simple but fun. Look forward to playing

The crew: deep sea mission- oh boy... A co- op.... Its gonna be interesting (last co-op was forbidden desert and lets leave it at.... It did not go well) but should be good to learn.

Thankyou for some new games. I dont know if we will play both this game night as I Would Kill Hitler finally arrived and been eagerly waiting to play that.

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Board Games Day

