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Birds ‘n’ Words! And Sweets, too!

Thank you, kind Givv’r o’ mine! Everything I’d thought I wanted is represented here! Such an adorable game. I’d requested a travel-sized game for two people that was ‘word-oriented’, and my Givv’r really gavv’r!
The game is very twee, seems easy to learn, and is from the Exploding Kittens {oh no! :( !!!} game company.
Inside the box, there are little bags included to keep all the wee pieces together & organized, there is a large, easy-to-read, durable instruction sheet with bright images, and clear rules, outlined for gameplay. The graphics are eye-meltingly sweet, the game seems interesting & unique, but not too complicated to learn quickly.
If you like word games, this is a definite one to try, or to add to your collection!

{This feels like an ad for the game as much as a write up of the gift!} Thank you Givv’r o’ gifts!

P.S. I just found out that there was ANOTHER parcel sent to me, separately from this parcel, from my Gifter! What a lucky bird I am! The secondary package included: The Official Favourite Candies of My Household — Mini Mars bars, as well as Maynard’s Fuzzy Peaches AND Swedish Berries!!! Seriously, that exact particular trio has been purchased MANY TIMES by members of this household, so it was an incredibly astute selection on behalf of my Gifter! I don’t recall mentioning any candy preferences…so how did they know?!? Just inspired in their duties, I suppose! The second amusing part of this post script: my fella ATE THEM ALL TO HIMSELF, thinking that this familiar trio of items was surely meant for his enjoyment! Didn’t even get to sniff them! Hahahaha! One chooses to snoozes around a mountain of their favourite snacks, well…thusly, on occasion, one then loses around a mountain of their favourite snacks!

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Board Games Day (2023)

