Absolutely Amazing- Knitted Animal Patterns and a Hogwarts Express Draft Stopper Kit

This is so awesome! I had shared with my gifter that I have really enjoy knitting plushies for the past year or so. I received "Adorable Knitted Animals- Cute Stuffed Toys to Knit the Japanese Way." I am not sure I have knit in any Japanese styles before so I am looking forward to learning some new techniques for creating plushies. I also received a Harry Potter knitting kit for the Hogwarts Express. When complete, it functions as a draft stopper. While my daughter is still too young for Harry Potter, she has been on a massive train binge lately and will enjoy this in her room when it is finished. What I love about this kit is that it came with everything I needed (including needles of fleece!) and has a pretty detailed set of instructions. I am looking forward to these projects and will be kept occupied for quite some time! Thank you so much for the awesome, thoughtful, and fun gifts!
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