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First off, thanks a lot for an amazing end to the Secret Santa tradition and Reddit Gifts, Santa! :)

The final gift arrived a few days ago and today I received the Holiday Card you'd send - and I very much love everything that you've chosen!

Your careful pick of the wonderful Ed Sheeran Sheet Music book (it's something I've never come across before, so it's nice that I learned something new today), 'Brazen' by Pènèlope Bagieu (that beautifully describes the varied strong women we must learn from and get inspired by), the thoughtful 5 Year Journal (that could enliven my memories in the years ahead) are all very much appreciated! ♡

Thank you for sharing a favourite of yours - the Graphic Artist Pénélope Bagieu's super intriguing and well put-together work on revolutionary women from across the Globe. It feels nice to have discovered a very talented Artist as I'm an Art Connoisseur myself. :)

Thank you so much for thinking of my hobby and my wish to grow on it - the superb Ed Sheeran Sheet Music compilation will be of a memorable part of my learning journey. Especially as Ed being one of my all-time favorite Artists! ♡

The 5 Year Journal is a very thoughtful gift - it could quite trigger me into everyday Journaling again (something that I've ceased doing in the last couple of years), and I agree with you - looking back at what you and your thoughts were years behind is a reflective way to choose the days & life ahead. :)

Your adorable Holiday Card will be very well treasured along with the above three, and I wish to thank you a lot again for choosing some really great gifts for me as the awesome Reddit Gifts comes to an end. The best part is of course the nice communication we've had back and forth, and that's what makes Reddit Gifts a very inevitable part of our memory - the connections and experiences you share with others (esp. strangers) from around the world.

I'm very happy to have been your Holiday Cards Finale Santa as well - you can expect a small surprise ahead perhaps?! ;) Thank you so much again for a memorable Reddit Gifts Secret Santa Finale!

A Huge Thanks to All the Admins and Moderators who've put in tremendous efforts throughout the years - for providing the happiness and tradition of sharing amongst folks all over! These wonderful memories would not have been possible without all of your dedicated involvement and loveliness! :) ♡

Wishing You and Yours Beautiful Years Ahead, Santa! Lots of Love and Warmth! ♡

P.S. My Santa was also sweet enough to re-send two of my gifts again as the first time they faced a delivery issue. Thank you for your sincerity in particular! :)

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Secret Santa 2021 Finale