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My Santa hit the spot right with this beautifully intricate Wooden Infinite Calendar that is also very eco-friendly and re-usable for multiple times!

I'm not a very Yearly Calendar person as I like to re-use stuff, so this feels like the perfect gift for someone who wishes to prolong the use of things! It came in really neat packaging and I loved the box & wrapping paper it was put in, along with the awesome HP Dobby/Kreacher Postcard and Snape sticker! My Santa has sent them along as I'm a huge Harry Potter fan! Thank you so much for that particular consideration of my favourites, Santa! I almost didn't notice them as they were upside down, but all of these brought a smile onto my face!

Thank you for the very thoughtful note on the Postcard as well! What's better they're also my Calendars Santa! Happy about that fact really!

Thanks a lot once again! I appreciate you choosing some really perfect stuff for me! The Calendar, Postcard, and the Sticker will all be treasured for a long, long time (or forever!) to come! :)

Wishing You and Yours Beautiful Years Ahead! Lots of Love and Warmth! ♡

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Calendars 2021 Finale