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I got a wonderful package from my secret santa finale!! I love it so much my santa went all out! First off I got a gernerous donation to the Oregon Humane Society, a wonderful animals shelter where I actually got my kitty from years ago! I know they will put it to good use helping more awesome kitties find homes, thank you!! My kitty Vinny also got some treat balls with different types of herbs and fruits for cats to lick, I've given Vinny the catnip one and so far he's obsessed and looooves it, you've made his day!!! I also got super yummy gummies that I'm obsessed with haha! I also got a starbucks gift card yummmm aaand a super cute pop out card!! And a book I've been wanting plus a "boba-saur" pin which is just the cutest!! Both are going in my collection! Thank you soooo much secret santa for the super thoughtful gifts!!! What a way to end a year!!

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Secret Santa 2021 Finale