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ahhhh, these gifts are all so beautiful!! I love them all! Thank you Secret Santa for being such a wonderful last Santa!

The wax seal set is just what I needed! I've been running low on my current stock, so these came in at a perfect time. I really love the color of the wax beads & sticks -- not sure if you had the option to choose which colors to send, but you definitely hit the mark with being in my favorite color range! And the stamp! I absolutely love it!! I am really excited to use this for my future happy mail!

And the National Geographic book is gorgeous! I literally got an email from NG today and I contemplated subscribing to their magazine. haha. So, receiving this today was a lovely surprise. I am excited to read through it, admire all the pictures, and plan out some trips (which I plan to take plenty of after I graduate this spring...that is if the pandemic isn't still going crazy)!

And there we have it. My final Reddit Gifts post :') it has been a fantastic time ✌

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Secret Santa 2021 Finale