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so, I had a hunch my card & ornament santa were the same person when I was notified they were marked shipped at the same time. lo and behold, I was correct. haha. anyway, enough with the copy & paste. 

Thank you for sending me a delightful holiday card from Wisconsin! I'm a bit sad that I ripped it a bit while trying to get it detached from the box (I'm a clumsy person. lol) but it's still a lovely card nonetheless. I enjoyed reading the message and all the holiday jokes you have included within the card. As you somewhat noted, I have been reflecting on my Reddit GIfts experience as I was sending out my last batch of gifts. It definitely has been a lovely time on Reddit Gifts -- thanks to people like you! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year as well!!

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Gift Details

Holiday Cards 2021 Finale