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My Santa hit the spot right with their choices of gifts - what better than the Illustrated Edition of the Goblet of Fire in hardcover and an assorted pack of Lindt Lindor Chocolates! These are two of the best gifts I've received on Reddit Gifts so far, and they made me very happy! :)

My Santa's interactions per se made the experience memorable, with them being very sweet and understanding, which is something I'm gonna miss as these awesome program comes to an end.

Somehow, the book is so fitting for the theme of Trick-or-Treats, with the genre of the series falling so well into fantasy, spookiness, and magic!

The chocolates came in pretty and shiny wrapping, and they taste superb! It was so thoughtful of my Santa to had chosen my favourite brand as well. Thank you for the sweet (pun-intended) messages sent along with the packages as well.

Thanks a lot for showing your kindness to a stranger, Santa! Wishing you plenty of happiness and health in the coming days! Have a Year as Awesome as the presents you've sent my way! ♡

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Trick or Treat 2021