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It's pretty cool when stuff made by people make it to you as gifts. I haven't received handmade stuff on Reddit Gifts before, so it was cool to get a handmade mask stitched by my Santa. There was also a store-bought metal figurine that they said was a symbol of their location and I love the intricate carvings & craftsmanship that's gone into it. I enjoyed sugar jelly candies as a kid, so it's nice to have some nostalgia thrown in.

My Santa also mentioned a card, a customized pencil, and a gold wrapped chocolate that unfortunately didn't make it, but I'm glad to see all your efforts into my gifts. It's nice that you're into handcrafting, and I love crafting as well. I find it a cool talent that you made the pretty looking mask (I'm guessing the fabric is from your location too) even when new to sewing.

Thank you for the thoughtfulness and efforts, Santa! Well appreciated! :)

Wishing you happy days ahead!

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