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So first I want to preface by saying this is my first hometown exchange and sadly my last for obvious reasons. ;w; But I was not at all sure what to expect. Not only did I get some lovely gifts from Florida. But I also found some lovely shops in my own state.

Firstly I received a lovely postcard and a manatee drawing/print out. Not sure if it's hand drawn but I cut it out of the box and plan on hanging it up. I didn't even know Florida had Manatees tbh. Myself knowing Florida more for the wild Iguanas haha.

Secondly I pulled out some yummy looking Florida Salt Taffy. I can't wait to open it up and try some out. :d

Next I received a beautiful Florida Manatee coffee cup alongside a bag of banana nut coffee from Cattle Dog. I love coffee and teas so this will get alot of use and excited to try this interesting coffee flavor.

I also receieved a lovely looking Christmas ornament. One of my first actual ornaments actually. So nice and excited to hang it up.

Next, I received a cup cozy and a bottle opener. I actually don't have a true bottle opener. So this is amazing.

Next I got a bottle of sweet onion and honey bbq sauce. Like so happy I got a yummy looking condiment. I can't wait to try this out with something. :D

I also receieved a Salty Girls Beach Shop bar of soap. Sea salt and orchid scented. :D

Then lastly I received a discover magazine for Crystal River Florida. Can't wait to look through it and see what lovely places I could see if I were to visit Florida.

Thank you so much Santa. I enjoy everything and hope you got a lovely gift yourself in return.

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