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This gift is so amazing! I told my Secret Santa that I was a fan of Harry Potter and they got me this really cool tumbler, which came in a matt box that was very satisfying to open. I love the quote on it. This fun book that I'm so excited to read, it's about Big Gay Ice Cream but written in a yearbook format, which is very interesting and original. And sO MANY PINS! I love it! My SS thought it would be nice so I have pins for all different occasions, and I definitely will. And pins are great because they're easy to carry around and can clip on to any outfit. Edit- the bowls and cookbook just arrived, and I love them! I enjoy baking, and love the rainbow bowls. This SS has knocked it out of the park!

Thank you so much to my SS! What an incredible pride exchange, Happy Pride to everyone, cuz pride is year-round!

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