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I've tried posting before but my internet is too slow at the moment. So lets try again. I'm sorry dear Santa for letting you wait. Sometimes life is just being naughty.

I received two big parcels from my Santa in Ireland for Arbitrary Day. My favourite exchanges are the Snack and Hometown exchanges, and thus I had asked for snacks local to my Santa. And wow, they did deliver! Lots and lots of snacks from Ireland! I've only been to Ireland once for a weekend trip, and I didn't really buy any snacks as my handluggage was already at the max weight. Santa sent me so many different snacks, all totally wonderful and tasty! I especially loved the crisps, all of them! The Mikado were amazing! They did suffer a bit from the transport, and it took me a few of them to figure out I was eating two at once :D The chewie bites are mavellous! Oh, and there's a cookbook with Irish recipes. I just opened it briefly and noticed a recipe with herring. I never knew herring was really a thing on the Isles west of continental Europe. But I love herring and have to try it.

Dear Santa, this is such an amazing gift, and I did well up a bit when I opened it. Thank you so very much!

edit: Phew, posting this finally worked! Yiha! Now lets see if the photos upload as well.

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Gift Details

Arbitrary Day