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My Rematch Santa has been super committed and super quick in getting my cookbooks, which are not only replete with very interesting recipes but are also rich with plenty of insights, perspectives, and a good peek into the African American heritage, culture, lifestyle, food, beliefs, and philosophies.

They're two of the most insightful & beautiful cookbooks I've come across, and have furthered my basic familiarity of the World of African American cuisine and their relationships with food to something that I wish to explore more in the future. I've skimmed the books, and am delighted to find the detailing, ideas, and experiences so well-structured, leading me to want to try a few recipes soon and learn more about the extremely fascinating culture of the Gullah and the Geechee communities, along with the varied other cultures of the World and their associations with food.

Thank you so much for picking these two beautiful titles and getting them to me so quick despite the current shipping difficulties, Santa! Lots of love and warmth! ♡

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