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Oh boy, was I surprised when I opened this gift! (And sorry for taking to post about it so long!) One of my wish list items was a kit with a breadboard and some basic components, and I had told my Santa I had hoped to learn some basic electronics building. I had also told I am a programmer and know serveral different programming languages. And...! My Santa sent me a kit with not only a breadboard and components, but it also included a programmable micro computer, all kinds of sensors and buttons and O___O ...! Well, you can see my reaction in the pictures. Wow! Santa, you rock! Thank you! It's like I had wished for a car ride and you showed up with a Ferrari. X) Thank you! I have to make some time to tinker with this, and YES, it sure tickles me fancy!

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Gift Details

Space & S.T.E.A(rt)M