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Oh Santa!

Thank you so much for this gorgeous, gorgeous, MAGICAL card! I absolutely adore the glitter and these photos absolutely do NOT do it justice.

The last two months has been very hard for my family, with my grandmother having sustained a very traumatic brain injury the one thing that’s brought us a little joy this year, was getting Christmas/holiday cards. Yours was extra special because A. It’s literally magical. B. The jokes made us all smile. I showed my step grandpa the jokes Christmas Eve. His response was a chuckle and “ha, aren’t those neat!”. The next day on Christmas morning he called his grandkids and told them the Saturn one lol.

I do hope 2021 is better than 2020, for EVERYONE. 2020 decided to finish out the year for us, by having my grandmother get injured the day after thanksgiving. But she’s doing better and that’s all that matters. And already, I feel more hopeful for 2021. I hope the year ahead brings you and your family so much joy, love, and prosperity. Also, I’m originally from Maryland and I miss the snow SO MUCH! It’s actually funny. For me growing up, if it was 30 degrees out I’d be wearing only jeans and a hoodie. 68 degrees was a very warm day, and we’d need the AC on and would go swimming. Now? 68 degrees is FREEZING lol. So I have a feeling Philadelphia would feel like Antarctica to me! But still, I miss the beauty of snow. Do me a favor and take a moment to appreciate it....then promptly run back inside, kick on the heat, and jump under a warm blanket with some cocoa! Haha!

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Gift Details

Holiday Cards (zero credit)