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Oh goodness this is probably my favorite secret santa gift I've ever opened! When I opened it, I was surprised with Marvel themed box flaps and wrapped gifts! There was also some rock candy, which represented all but one of the Infinity Stones, a cloth that grows in the water, and a vinyl record air freshener! The first gift I opened was the makeup. The bag it is in is AWESOME. It had eyeliner, inspired by Bucky (I really needed some new eyeliner, so greatful), a sculpting brush inspired by Loki, some sick looking nail polish inspired by Shuri, and the Avengers Lip Gloss, which I've been really wanting! The next thing I opened was the bags. My husband and I are beginning to collect grocery bags, so this gift was PERFECT. Then there was an awesome notebook I opened. This will be a perfect notebook for work. I've been looking for one! The next gift I opened was a super rad shirt! It is just my style, even down the the font. It is also super cozy! The last gift I opened was the Guardians of the Galaxy album. I was floored! The album is the red and yellow swirled release, which I don't own! I. Love. This. Album.

I cannot express to you how cool this gift was! I was basically screaming in my apartment (sorry neighbors). My husband was super impressed by the gift as well!!! Thank you so much, Santa!!!!

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Gift Details

Marvel 2019