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Oh my goodness this package was absolutely delightful! I adored the note, the awesome art!! (that TARDIS is incredibly well painted!), and the gloves (red gloves that match my winter jacket! Perfect for playing Pokemon Go!) and and and! The Fazer chocolate will certainly be much enjoyed (I ADORE Scandinavian chocolate!) as will the stickers (cats!!) and the Harry Potter postcards will be great for Postcrossing! The cup surprised me but then my eyes lit up when I read that I could change the picture within and I just might have to do that too! The gel pens look like a great quality gift -- I'll definitely have to use that in my letter writing if not with my postcards! And oh my goodness our cat, Kerbal, loved both the chicken treats (he had two today) and the cat toy (he went crazy for it! It is a great choice for this cat! He is hard to photograph but as you can tell by the pictures he really loves his gifts! Thanks for the excellent presents!

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Gift Details

Secret Santa 10th Annual Extravaganza!