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Santa, I just want to say thank you so much for everything! When I got a message this morning stating I had a parcel pending, I felt like a little kid on Christmas morning. As soon as I saw the box I became super intrigued. My young cat, Jiji, helped me open it. First thing I saw when I opened it was something I wasn't expecting at all! Santa wrapped everything! Ribbon and all! If that wasn't exciting enough, there were several gift wrapped goodies inside. I'll admit I let out a loud "ooo" when I saw all the gift wrap, and ribbon.

The first thing I opened was the card. Inside was such a thoughtful message, and truly made me happy. I learned that Santa and I have quite a few things in common. We both share a love for dark chocolate, coffee, Hallmark Christmas movies, Call the Midwife, and she used to live near my current city! How neat is that? It's such a small world. I don't save many cards, but I'll hang onto this one for next year's Christmas display.

Now onto the gift wrapped goodies! First gift I opened was a mug from Santa's home State. Inside the mug were two packets of Duncan Hines Chocolate chip muffin in a mug. Yummy! I'll definitely use those the next time I'm in the mood for a sweet. The next gift was a magnet to represent New York. Now what's funny is that New York is something else we have a connection to. A few of my In-Laws live there. I've visited New York a few times, and have always enjoyed my time there. Gift number three was a Lindt Excellence Caramel, sea salt, dark chocolate bar! Insert drool here. Yum. Gift four was a Terry's Dark chocolate orange. I'm starting to see a pattern here. Dark chocolate is always appreciated! My last gift was rather heavy, which is why I saved it for last. Inside the paper was a nice collection of seven different dark chocolate bars! I've never tried Hebert chocolate, so I'm looking forward to trying the variety of flavors. The seven flavors are Raspberry Burst, Peanut Butter, Coconut Cream, Mint Cookie, Sea Salt Caramel, Brownie Batter, and Solid Dark. YUM!

My cats, Cleo and Jiji, would also like to thank you for all the bubble wrap. They enjoyed playing with it as I opened your gifts. :)

Santa, thank you so much for everything! I absolutely love everything you sent me. I hope you have the best Christmas with your family, and congratulations on your first great-grandchild!

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Secret Santa 10th Annual Extravaganza!