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Oh gosh, where to I start here? Maybe by stating that my Santa is the best Santa ever! S/he continuously kept me updated, asked questions, and finally send me a tracking number.

I was doing a European exchange and was so curious as to where my Santa might be from. So I informed them that I will not look at the tracking as to not spoil the surprise. And my Santa kept me even updated on what the tracker has been telling! I was a bit more offline over the past three days, teaching a computer course to students and just could not bare seeing my computer in the evening. But the messages from my Santa kept me so happy.

So today after 13:00 I went to my university building to check if the parcel had arrived. And It Did! A HUGE Parcel! Still no idea where from, but there was a big pile of address stickers at the top. I could not unpack it in front of my students because I'd written in my preferences that I was hoping for an edible Hometown Exchange and the students all looked hungry and tired after a long day and they would have wolfed down whatever was inside. Me, I was the same, but I had to restrain myself until I finally got home.

And then I finally was home. I first peeled back a few address stickers out of curiosity. 5 in total, with the lowest being the handwriting of my Santa. Probably a woman (I hope). I still didn't look at any country indication though.

And then I opened it. And was struck down by a super colourful, full to the rim parcel of candy. Denmark! I don't even know where to start. There's liquorice (I love liquorice!), fruity candy, gums, chocolate, what looks like sweet small rolls with cinnamon, and lots of things I have no idea what they are. And then some. Please see photos for details. And there was a block of Greek chocolate, tsatsiki herbs, a box of Greek delight and a small bottle of ouzo. My dear Santa mentioned she would go on vacation and look around there. I hope you had a fantastic vacation in Greece!

What can I say: All of this looks utterly and completely delicious, and I will eating small bits of Denmark and Greece, exploring both countries a piece at a time.

But that's not all! There was a postcard at the very bottom of the parcel with a wonderful, and sneaky note of my Santa. Turns out my Santa is someone I discussed lovely Danish snacks with before on the secretsanta sub, especially Johan Buelow chocolate coated liquorice. This Is My Santa! How weird is that? It really looks like the matching Gods have been playing a really, REALLY strange joke on me. And the most marvellous one as that.

Really, dear Santa! You really overdid yourself. I'm nearly welling up here. Thanks for this fantastic taste of Denmark, and for the laughters :)

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Gift Details

Hometown 2018