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You have spoiled me so much! For the past couple days I saw a shipment of a 4 pound box. Yes, a 4 pound box, and that peaked my curiousity immediately. I wasn't sure what to expect in the mail, but I was super excited, and very happy when I saw what was inside! Santa sent me three packs of Jammie Dodgers, one of my favorite treats. Next, I saw she got me limited edition Downton Abbey tea! It's rose with a hint of raspberry flavored. That alone would have made me happy, but I saw an unmarked box inside. Santa sent me a tea pot that has a tea cup attached, as well! I love the pattern on the tea pot. It's so cute!

Santa let me know that they're also a Jane Austen fan, and that I should curl up with a cuppa. Well, I didn't wait long to do so. After the tea cup was cleaned, I made myself a cuppa, had two Jammie dodgers and now am super happy. The tea was delicious. It has a slight floral taste, with a hint of raspberry, and has a touch of sweetness.

But, wait, there's more! A second package arrived later in the same day. Inside was a beautiful copy of Emma. The format is the size of a magazine, which I've never seen a book printed out that way. I love it! I can't wait to flip through the book later while I sit and drink some tea, and snack on some yummy biscuits. Thank you, so, so much, Santa! I appreciate all of the goodies you sent, and can't wait to display the tea pot, and book.

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All Things British!