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I stated many times that I liked D.Va in my info, I'm sure if my Santa reads this, they can vouch for that much! So what I was mostly expecting was the POP D.Va figure so many people have gotten, this is not what I got!

The package I got was small, and light, quite very light infact. Inside, there was a handmade D.Va, with a chocolate coin and a candy cane, as well as a note saying that I have probably seen all of the possible gifts, which is true! I have!

So yes, I did not a the POP D.Va figure, I got something more better, and certainly more unique! As well as some stuff to eat, and I sure love eating, even though I am attempting to diet!

Also my cat liked the paper inside, so much, that I decided to get him to model the contents. Thank you Archer, you silly black cat!

Merry Christmas!

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Gift Details

Secret Santa 2017