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So I got home from a brief trip to Paris this month to a bunch of tantalizing packages, two of which were from my Arbitrary Day Secret Santa! One was one of the Doctor Who Blu-Rays that I have been collecting... indeed I'm a bit behind on my Series Ten viewing so I'm hopeful that this will help me catch up. Of course I still need part two and a bunch of Series 8 and 9 but I'm working to collect all the new Doctor Who on Blu-Ray (the older stuff would be nice too eventually but everything in moderation, right?).

Another was this AMAZING needle felting supplies set COMPLETE with a new foam block! My current foam block will wear out after a few more projects so this is a great gift! I'm happy with so much more wool roving and needles (because felting needles don't last TOO long!).

In the note with the package a book was referenced but I have yet to receive the Foundling book. It has arrived! Woohoo! It looks like a neat book! The book seemed damaged, but the book jacket is in good shape (oddly the book was upside down in the book jacket).

Thanks again this was awesome!

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Gift Details

Arbitrary Day 2017