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Dear Secret Santa,

how did you know? Really, this is the most amazing and most befitting present ever!

Lets begin from the start. Been spending all of today in various meetings and running back to my desk to make changes to a presentation that I'll be giving in a country far, far away next week.

After coming back to my desk yet another time there was an email from the reception. A parcel for me. Yes, I indeed expecting a parcel from Seattle today. I pick it up and look at the sender: Florida? Huh? Oh, that's my snack exchange package! Woohoo!

So it's from Florida. I requested exotic food, odd stuff or downright yummy. I'm sure Florida has some very yummy food, so lets have a look.

I opened the big and heavy box, and the first present I found was a tiny jumping spider that jumped at me. Seriously! Dear Santa, how could you have known that I love spiders? I checked that it's not a poisonous one and let it lose at the office after a photo shooting. Not sure I'll see it again, but it's seriously cute :) I called it Oscar, btw.

Now the yummy stuff. It's all got Spanish descriptions on it, from Cuban people I suppose? That is truely exotic for me! I expected something Asian, Indian or similar, but never did I think of Carribbean snacks. Really a fantastic surprise.

Most noticeably in the package, a huge bag of plantane crisps. 16 oz of it. Now I don't know how much 16 oz is, but it's seriously heavy. I love that it's got very few ingredients. Very natural, and I'm sure extremely yummy and exotic. You don't get that in Edinburgh.

Then pralines with a peanut cream filling and a wafer. Wow, I want to eat one right away!

Mini cookies with lemon or chocolate. They are hard and crisp, and are probably fantastic in a hot chocolate.

Meringues! Common, everyone loves meringues!

A bag of mixed hard candies. So many tastes to try out.

Round wafers with chocolate cream filling. Yummy!

The most intriguing item is probably something called Crema de Leche. Something with solid milk and sugar. I think I'll keep this for last as it seems the most exotic snack to me. Or I might just unpack it right now. It feels very heavy and solid for such a small pack.

A soft massive coconut-pineapple cooky

And finally two big packs of wafers, one with strawberry and one with chocolate creme.

And all at the bottom a friendly card from my Santa, wishing me to enjoy this taste of Miami. I certainly will Santa. Many thanks for this fantastic, very colourful, and I'm sure extremely tasty package! And thanks for Oscar. I feel like I really won the lottery here :)

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Snacks Exchange 2017