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Oh gosh this package was such a wonderful surprise today! I stopped off at the postal outlet to pick it up after visiting a local spa for an open house, and then walked home the long way to play some Pokemon GO... while I played, the anticipation kept growing and growing: what was in the box with all the great postage stamps from Lithuania?!? I was so curious! When I finally got home, I opened it carefully only to discover a beautiful array of treats from Lithuania, 5 packages of tea and a great note telling an immigration story and translating the names of each of the tea varieties! I'm so excited to try all of this!

The treat looks so unusual: I'm definitely not familiar with it. And it's in a basket that is so adorable -- the cookies(?) look almost like tiny mushrooms which are so cute! I wonder what they will taste like!

I loved the stationery that was used for the letter! Elephants are awesome!

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Coffee and Tea Exchange 2016