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I went to the postal outlet to pick up my mail today. And I was happy to see a package that I hadn't ordered. I actually ripped it open a little bit in the store and I saw the front of the box! Sweet: 7 Wonders Cities! I then walked home. At that point I properly took the box out of the Amazon packaging only to realize that the back of the box is entirely in French. While I do speak and read French, most of my gaming group does not speak French and I think it might be a little weird to play 7 Wonders with a French language expansion mixed in. I'm really torn as I do love 7 Wonders Cities but the instructions will be in French (as would the text on the cards but that's less important) which will make it much more difficult to properly consult the rules for information when things come up that are not 100% clear. This makes me sad as I do love playing 7 Wonders Cities -- in fact I played it at Gen Con this month in Indianapolis! But not having an English language rule book to consult will make it far more complicated to properly play the game with my friends.

So I'm really torn: I love the game, it's a perfect purchase, but it's not the version in the language that my gaming group is best at reading/interacting in (English). And this means that it currently sits in the plastic wrap... awaiting my decision as to what to do with it. I really want to play it too! Leaders and Cities are my two favourite 7 Wonders expansions but I owned neither before now.

So thank you! I'm super excited to play the game with Cities in it. I just don't know how I'll get around the lack of an English language rule book for my gaming groups! I'll figure something out, hopefully! Thanks again for the most wonderful gift! I'm not sure you planned for it to be in French -- maybe it's an Amazon error in which case we could maybe fix it?

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