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So given the threat of a postal lockout (which seems to no longer be an issue at least for the short term), I wasn't all that surprised when I had to go pick up a package from the FedEx Ground Terminal in town. I was, however, much more happy when I opened the package to find The Complete Love Hurts which looks precisely like the kind of graphic novel that I'll truly enjoy! Thanks to my Arbitrary Day santa for such an intriguing book!

Oh wow! Today I got to the postal outlet to pick up a package and there was a sizeable envelope (2KG!) awaiting me from Sweden! Within there are some of the most delectable treats (well if they're anything like the Norwegian treats I've had in the past) I could imagine. Only one item got damaged in transit -- and I recognize these chocolates with licorice in them as being one of my favourite chocolate licorice combos ever so I'm super stoked! Thank you ever so much!

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Gift Details

Arbitrary Day 2016