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I opened a package late last night and therein, I found this amusing colouring book/entertainment book. I'm not entirely sure why I keep getting colouring books in the mail these days (I don't colour as much as other people think I might, I guess)... but it's really an entertaining book.

I never knew that such a Harry Potter book existed, quite honestly. I generally don't associate Harry Potter with insults so this is a neat leap of imagination to get here. I hope that I'll enjoy reading through and maybe even colouring this book too.

Oh my goodness! I just got home from the postal outlet and this gift smells amazing -- butterbeer! This candle is large, and smells amazing! I am so surprised and happy to have this beautiful candle and I can tell I'll enjoy it a lot in the future! Thank you ever so much!

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r/HarryPotter Exchange