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My Santa, is the best. I am still so blown away by there kindness. They did a great job picking things out. Boy did they pick out some awesome things.

The first thing I noticed when opening my package. Right on top, was an Amiibo box. This is what really blew me away. The Amiibo they sent was a Unicorn Amiibo I have really wanted. For those not in the no, a Unicorn is an Amiibo that is really hard to find. You either have to import or spend a ton of money. They sent me a Kirby amiibo.

The second thing they sent me. Probably the biggest thing in the box. The complete Blu Ray set of Toy Story. Toy Story was one of two movies I used to watch religiously as a kid. The other being Bugs Life. Now I own all three in Blu Ray. :D

The third thing they sent was aimed at my chef and geeky side, at the same time. They sent a Dr Who cookbook. Its a pretty nice book that gives a recipes based on each episode. I really like it and cant wait to make some things with it.

The fourth and fifth thing they sent, was a Futurama plaque and a pretty nice flashlight. I love Futurama almost as I love Rick and Morty. So I definitely will love having this beautiful thing hanging up. The flashlight is pretty small, but yet still stronger then any of my current lights.

Again, Santa I am just completely blown away and absolutely have to thank you. Kind of upset that you didn't send any local treats, but as a college student I completely understand. Kind of. :p

Also I apologize by the late post. Star Wars was this weekend and I have not been home since Friday. I hope your weekend and Santa are as good to you as you were to me. May the force be with you. :D

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Secret Santa 2015