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I'm hoping that this is from the right exchange? If it is, then great! I got a Chicago Bears Infinity Scarf in the mail today which is pretty awesome in that the scarf looks useful and warm, and well constructed. It'll be great for the winter months.

Lo and behold a fragile package appears. And it isn't really fragile (odd how it has a fragile sticker on it since it is a sport water bottle). But I received a I <3 pizza water bottle. It's really quite nice! Well constructed and with a sport lid or a screw top as options.

And this evening I picked up a package at the postal outlet. Within was a Hot Dog hat! My head is rather big so it's not something I'm likely to wear frequently or anything, but it's a real hoot! :) Such fun! Thanks again to my Santa for all the gifts!

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Gift Details

Hometown 2015