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Today when the mail delivery person delivered my mail there was a package which surprised me! It was my gifts from this exchange and I'm ever so excited about them! Missoula is a city in Montana that I've yet to visit and so it's really neat to get a Santa from there! Additionally I loved the postcard! I've been to Helena, Butte and Billings so it's kind of nice to see where they sit on the map.

My actual gifts were perfect! I'm super excited to try the tea (I'm going to go boil some water right away) as it smells wonderful. And the skirt -- I wish I were wearing a better outfit so as to show how well it fits, but it fits perfectly! I'm ever so pleased! The skirt will be perfect for this summer weather we're having, as it is most wonderful! I never own quite enough skirts/dresses that are longer like this one so that's really neat too! I bet I'll be able to layer it over tights, socks or leggings when the weather gets colder too so that's really helpful! The pen enclosed is good quality which is nice.

Thank you ever so much Santa! You're wonderful!

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