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So this evening when I returned home from work I found a large box awaiting me at my door. Picking it up, it made noise so I was hoping that it was my snacks gift. Lo and behold, that's what it was!

Upon opening the box, I was met with some red bubble wrap -- which amused me mostly because red is my favourite colour. Then I noticed the great postcard! I absolutely love this postcard because of the art and the message on it.

As for the snacks -- I am wowed by the number of treats! I'm unfamiliar with ALL of the brands except for one -- the good bean chickpea snacks are one that we occasionally carry at the supermarket where I've worked for many years. But they're tasty so I can't fault you for including them!

I haven't tasted any of these treats yet but I'm super excited by all of them -- you picked a great selection of flavours that I'm excited about, and the brands are unfamiliar to me (no I don't have a Trader Joe's near me for example). So this is super exciting for me to try them all!

As for the tequila lollipop with the worm... I'm not sure whether I'll try it myself or gift it to someone else to try: the worm doesn't concern me -- I've eaten lollipops with worms in them before actually -- but I am not terribly fond of tequila so we'll see.

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Snacks 2015