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I signed up for Books 2015 with my niece in mind. It was her 10th birthday March 30th and I figured that since she loves reading, I could try to request a special gift for her as a treat. My niece saw that I got a gift from a Santa before and she thought that was very exciting. She loves the Adventures of Tintin and I hoped my SS would not mind if they got her one of the many stories that were published.
Not only did Bexp get one, but she got my niece THREE! They are also all gift wrapped seperately in lovely wrapping paper with bows around them.

I wont be able to take them out to my niece till next weekend but I assure you when I say that theres a little girl squealing with excitement after I called her up and told her she had a present (shh!) waiting for her from her very own Secret Santa!

I also appreciate the message on the card which adds a perfect little touch to this adorable box of gifts! :) <3

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Gift Details

Books 2015