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Sorry for the late post Secret Santa I was out of town!

My awesome secret santa sent me amazing gifts. I got two books that I have been wanting to read for a while, "Limitless" and "The Girl who came Home- A Novel of the Titanic". They also sent me a box filed with Sour Punch which came at a perfect time because I had just ran out. I also got the Star Tours pressed pennies to add to my collection from Walt Disney World!

They were also so thoughtful and got some toys for my cat and my dog. Sadly my cat doesn't like playing with toys but my little puppy made up for that by going crazy with the cat toy. He loves all of the toys!

I also got a cute Christmas card of a cat hanging from a Christmas tree which was pretty ironic because every year my family reads "The Cat that Climbed the Christmas Tree" and the cover looks almost exactly like the card.

Thank you Secret Santa for making this an awesome exchange!

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Secret Santa 2014