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This morning the DHL guy arrived with a large box. And since my santa had mentioned sending me ThinkGeek items, I knew that once he mentioned the source of the box that it was likely a redditgifts item... even though I had to pay customs. I eventually tore into the box only to find a great robe (now I have two robes that I actually like which is rad! It's nice to see the sonic screwdriver in the pocket of the robe actually), and what I wanted/needed more than anything else: a TARDIS shower curtain. I'm going to install it as soon as my current shower curtain dries out a bit more from my morning's shower so I can take it down safely and dispose of it (it has started falling apart, so this is perfect timing). I am really quite pleased to have received so much pampering for this exchange!

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Gift Details

Bath & Shower