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So I picked up this package which traveled all the way from Chile to reach me and found it not only to be beautifully packed (so aesthetically pleasing!) but it included some awesome items!

My favorite is the iPod 4 case. While I do own an android smart phone (and am on the verge of buying a new one), I do most of my game playing on my iPod Touch 4, and on my iPad. My old Hello Kitty case (as you can see it pictured) is so worn looking at this stage that I can't really consider it all that awesome anymore. And it's really hard to find iPod 4 Touch cases anymore let alone Hello Kitty ones here. So it's really rad that this case arrived and fits my phone oh so well! I also like the fact that it's got a black background which should make it less likely to get and stay as dirty looking as my old case -- at least not as quickly!

The pen is really rad as is the pencil case. I am not sure what I'll store in the pencil case at this stage but it'll be very useful, I'm sure! And the key chain and cell phone charm may well prove useful as well. I highly doubt I'll get a cell phone that can wear cell phone charms but having just returned from Japan, the cell phone charm thing is pretty nifty to me!

Regardless thanks for the great letter (your English was really great actually! Thanks again!), the gifts, and for the wonderful packaging of it all! I really love these gifts!

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Hello Kitty & Friends