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Okay so I'll admit that I had mostly given up on receiving things from this exchange -- even though my santa had messaged me and inquired about whether I had received anything, the last time this had happened I still never received anything so my hopes weren't that high, but it WAS mentioned that it was shipped from Japan which tantalized me more than just a little bit... partially as I have some Japanese ancestry... and partially as I have visited Japan this July (for only a week, but it was awesome and I can't wait to go back!).

So I was super surprised to actually get the box, the item being a rather large box for something to have come so far and cost so little in postage to send (thinking about it it makes SOME sense given that it was shipped from an armed forces person as if it came from the USA, but still, I can't ship a package of this size WITHIN my own country for this price).

And then I was entertained to see what in specific I got! Hello Kitty was noteworthy (I SPENT SO MUCH MONEY and time finding Hello Kitty stuff in Japan -- it was awesome!) and the lip jelly is awesome -- I've tried it already!

The Pocky is great -- it matches the two other coconut Pocky boxes I brought home from my recent trip (I did only get back two weeks ago). I have yet to taste it, but I look forward to it.

The Pokemon candy looks awesome! It always feels great when one can identify stuff so easily too!

But then there is the hamburger thing (which the instructions on the back indicate I need to make somehow? But Google Translate app isn't helping me much so I'm a bit lost as to what I'm supposed to do. My Japanese is too poor to figure it out)...

And the very intriguing thing with the dolphins? I'm not sure how I am to make that either... dratted lack of good Japanese skill... I really hope someone can help me figure this out.

But finally and perhaps the most awesomely/entertainingly is the awesome top and shorts set. It fits which is remarkable as Japanese clothing sizes do not often fit my form in the way I'm used to! Really this clothing item is my favorite of the whole gift because it's perfectly suited to the overly warm weather we're having here right now. I put it on pretty much immediately just to see if it fits but it's so comfy I was tempted to wear it for the rest of the day! It's much more comfy lounging clothing than the robe that my Japanese grandmother gave me (also Japanese style) back when she was still alive, and thus will get worn much more frequently! While I was shopping in Japan I saw this kind of outfit for young kids but was never in the kinds of stores that sold them for adults. This is definitely a more practical clothing item than the inexpensive yukata kimono robe that I did bring home with me from my trip -- and I could even just wear the top with other outfits that I own!

Thanks again for such awesomely appropriate (if a bit slow in arriving) gifts! If only I understood the preparation instructions for the burger and dolphin things it would be even more awesome at this point! (please help?). My Japanese is good enough for some things, but definitely not for reading the paragraphs of text on the backs of those two packages.

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Gift Details

Arbitrary Day 2014