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We have deployed a new major version of the platform (v7). In order to log in, you will need to reset your password.

While there are indications that other packages are coming, I highly doubt that they will arrive before I depart for a brief trip. So I'll post about those later once I receive them. In the meantime, I received some reading material for the apocalypse! And I've heard such great things about Revival! If only I had time to read it before I depart!

Lookie here! A new gadget wallet has arrived! And it fits both my current (borrowed) cell phone and my iPod Touch! (I'm about to buy a new phone so this may make a difference in the size of a device I will consider... even if I don't put this in my purse this will be a great addition for around the house... but I suspect it'll end up in my purse on occasion too.

I'm pretty pleased with both gifts because Nintendo is awesome and this case would carry usb drives when needed or SD cards or any other such gizmos and gadgets should I need them and does a great job of holding my phone and iPod. I am definitely a happy camper as a result! I will read the graphic novel soon as well.

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